Scientific writing: turning the blank page into a manuscript

  • Name:


  • Venue:

    Seminar room, 4th floor, PC-building, Campus South

  • Date:

    February 19 and February 20

  • Speaker:

    Carsten Rohr

  • We are looking forward to our next scientific writing workshop. Please note that it will be an interactive workshop that requires individual preparation, as outlined in the workshop description below.


    Workshop description:

    Publications of research results are the currency of
    modern science. It might not be your favorite
    occupation, but it is decisive, strongly determining
    your future research and career opportunities.
    In this course, you will be introduced to the process
    of writing a scientific paper. To deepen and apply
    this knowledge, you will also produce a manuscript
    based on your research data (which might serve as
    the foundation for a journal submission).


    A-Z of scientific writing

    • Developing a clear main message
    • Priority setting in the writing process
    • Structure and logical flow of the text
    • Create meaningful graphics
    • Memorable introduction and abstract
    • Do’s and Don’ts of AI Tools in writing
    • How to develop a daily writing routine
    • Efficient communication with co-authors


    Working on your text

    Please note: Given that this is a hands-on seminar, you need some data to serve as the foundation for a journal article. Please bring some scientific texts you wrote (e.g., Bachelor or Master thesis, and any published or upcoming papers) to the seminar.


    Prerequisites: Enough (analyzed) data to write a (test) paper.