A holistic approach to PET-degrading enzyme design

  • Name:

    Seminar Day

  • Venue:

    Seminar room, 4th floor, building 30.44 (CS)

  • Date:

    July 14

  • Speaker:

    Prof. Birgit Strodel (Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf)

  • Time:

    14:00 - 17:00

  • We look forward to our next Seminar Day with Prof. Birgit Strodel from the University of Düsseldorf.


    The seminar day will be divided into two parts:


    14:00 - Introductory talks by members of RTG 2450


    15:30 - Talk by Prof. Birgit Strodel: "A holistic approach to PET-degrading enzyme design: from QM/MM and MD simulations to ML and experiments"